
Showing posts from January, 2021


what actually is karma?

What is karma? Karma is not a gravity.karma is physiological concept of the actions we took in the previous or now the results of it. What ever you do in life good or bad the results of that is karma .people says he is doing bad things or hearting some one he will go to hell but before that he has to face karma's that is what karma. It is always said that do good in life and have good safe life.its really true always think good of others don't hurt anyone in life.Or else you have to suffer (  जीसका कोई नही ऊस का कर्मा होता है ) if someone hearts you torchers you and you can't take action. The way he treated you in the same way he will suffer the same if you are lucky then you will be able to see. Never show pride to someone in life God gave you things so you can help Others not for hearting people. If you got lots of money than use that money properly don't show pride to someone trust me it will be again taken away from you no matter how rich you are. Karma ...

How To get anything in life?

How we can get any thing in life. D o you know we can achieve anything in life example,money,love, friends,car etc but there is technique to achieve this things now I will not say to you that struggle,study and get it no .just give small struggle to it  .so how to achieve it see it's  very simple but you need to practice and these technique is from  laws of attraction.following are some steps  Step   1 - close your eyes. Step 2 - think what you want house,car, or anything.( You might be thinking he is gone mad but no its power of laws of attraction) Step 3 - Then believe that you got that thing practice it every day by believing that you got it. Step 4- Not immediately but definitely you I'll achieve it.(we automatically goes on the road of success) if you want car then you just believe that xyz car you got now and while sleeping you believe you are in that car just that's it practice it every day. DON'T S 1) Don't doubt yourself 2)just believe you will get...

What if starting of the day goes wrong?

What to do if starting of day goes wrong. Many people individualy  makes their day worst because the starting of the day goes wrong and the same thinking make their day more worst.there is very simple solution to it. Step 1- close eyes  Step 2-assume that you got 86400 rupees Step 3-and you lost 10rs  What will happen? Will you cry and throw all 86390 rupees? Obviously no na.then you Got 86400 seconds  in a day if someone makes your 10 minutes waste why you makes remaining time also worst. Just think positive if your starting of the day is worst it is not necessary that your day will go wrong your thinking makes to go day wrong think positive have a very good day. Thank you 😊  


Do you know Our life is like a programming language? As there is no pleasure in running programs Without error.if there would no errors than there the programming languages would be very easy and there would no joy to run it Same is life Programming is like a life and errors are like programs If there would no problems in life than life would be very simple to live.but  no joy in  soit thereis said problems are way to live life.  problems are in every one's life face them instead of crying.NO PROBLEM IN THE WORLD IS WITHOUT SOLUTION.if there is problem then there is solutions just you should know how to find it. here are problems solving sum steps Step 1 : calm your mind focus on problem. Step 2:Think of it. Step 3:apply different solution and think the output Step 4 : if not able share to your nearones and ask for the solution. Step 5: smile you got solution. Don't worry NOT IMMEDIATELY BUT DEFINITELY you will get accept the problems and face it. Th...