what actually is karma?

What is karma?

Karma is not a gravity.karma is physiological concept of the actions we took in the previous or now the results of it.
What ever you do in life good or bad the results of that is karma.people says he is doing bad things or hearting some one he will go to hell but before that he has to face karma's that is what karma.
It is always said that do good in life and have good safe life.its really true always think good of others don't hurt anyone in life.Or else you have to suffer ( जीसका कोई नही ऊस का कर्मा होता है )if someone hearts you torchers you and you can't take action. The way he treated you in the same way he will suffer the same if you are lucky then you will be able to see.
Never show pride to someone in life
God gave you things so you can help
Others not for hearting people.

If you got lots of money than use that money properly don't show pride to someone trust me it will be again taken away from you no matter how rich you are.

Karma says if you think good of your friends people etc.The same you will get no matter for sometime you will feel that this person is not thinking good of me ignore that because he also thinks the same you continue your good thinking about him in future you will get great respect from that person.you can try it.never speak bad things of someone in the absence of that person because that thing automatically reach to that person about whom you are talking instead of it about speak good of others in the absence of them.The same you will get.

Life is very short don't waste time in fighting and pointing people. always be happy with others no one knows your expire date so what ever time you got live it with togetherness and happiness.what ever  happens yesterday forgive it and begin with the new .how ever big your fight is say sorry if your mistake else if discuss problem with other person instead of ignoring him .if he is ignoring you try for 1-2 times if still he will ignore you leave it he himself will come back again in your life.always be gratefull for what ever you have because the things you got is dreams of million people think if you were one of them.so be always grateful for the thing that makes you happy. 
a good day thank you.


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