Forgive Yesterday
       TO get better tommorow.

What does it means?
In every person's life there is a particular situation,time at which he gives up,cry,get nervous mostly happens in each and everyones life so how to face or what to do in that situation?the answer is .
It is popularly said by one of the great person that cry as much as you can for one thing it is very good but never✖️ cry again for the same thing and waste time on it.what ever happened yesterday cannot be changed no change can be done in it but what you want make happen tommorow' can be definitely changed.for that just forget what happened yesterday forgive it by assuming bad dream.just assume that you are an entrepreneur and had a great loss of nearly 8 laks rupees now in this situation just think that you faced it and think what can be done there are two situations you had faced loss now so you will cry and cry and tell everyone in future today I would one of the richest person but I faced loss and I am not as wished . just think does this statement mine's someone or you will get anything from it? Obviously not.just remember one thing how ever the big problem you have for being successfull there is solution never use the word "but" for what you were and what you are now.ex.i was a rich person but....due to this I am not. Or i was having xyz but I lossed it...........This xyz thing happened other wise it would be this no this type of but is not of any use.
Instead of using but and etc.just close your eyes and think that you had faced loss you are only the reason for it now it had happened just forget it and what is supposed to happen in future think on it and make it happen think on what can be done and start with the new.what ever happens in life remember its always good no matter how ever worst it is but  it is good and it makes you good if you take it positively and because of that thing only you are on this position or you will( जो होता है अच्छे के लिए होता है )The difference in the life's first and last chapter is first chapter always teaches us about problems and failure but face the failure and dare to reach to the success.remember success never comes without problems and failures and if you directly reach to last chapter you will face difficulties and first chapter is compulsary so go dont take shortcuts there is no shortcut for success .if you know to keep your mind calm in the failures congrats success is written in your luck but just remember givingup or anything else is not the way. trying for one more time is the solution for it.stay motivativated
Thank you☺️.....


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